class: left, middle  --- # this guide is in motion fear no question, ask them at []( the name "כל אור" is Hebrew for "every light" it is pronounced *kol*-*or* it is meant to signify that every light is used on the monome grid hopefully in an intuitive way --- # install first download and then either (1) open the *kolor* script in norns to use "grid script" or a physical grid:
or (2) add these lines to any norns script\* to use with that script and a grid: ```lua kolor = include("lib/kolor") kolor:new() ```
*any norns script that doesn't already use grid. and if the host script uses an engine you need to merge engines.
---  --- ### you should know... *mod* = modulator (volume, pan, filters, sample positions, etc.) *sound* = one of the six sample sounds *step* = position with assigned *sound* and *mod* *track* = collection of *steps* *pattern* = collection of *tracks* (up to six) also, the "beat scale" changes to a "parameter scale" when mod selected ---  --- ### you should know... the brightness of each *step* indicates whether it is active unless a *mod* is selected, then the brightness of each *step* indicates its value for that *mod* to mute: hold down the play button and click a sound to toggle mute. to clear track: hold down rec button and click a track ---  --- ### you should know... recording is quantized to the current track's division which is set using the *clock* (more on that later) also, if a mod is active (more on that later, too) its current parameter will be pushed onto any activated step ---  --- ### you should know... samples are stereo `.wav` files stored in `~/dust/audio/kolor/bank[1-12]` each bank shows 32 samples in alphabetical order each sound selects from its respective bank add your own they'll appear there too ---  ---  --- ### you should know... each track has its own clock the track with the most steps determines when to transition to the next pattern ---  --- ### you should know... markov chaining is where each pattern has a probability to transition to any other pattern changing those probabilities gives different chaining behaviors you can copy patterns, hold one pattern to copy and another to paste it to ---  --- ### you should know... there are twelve mods: - volume (0 to 1) - rate (-200% to 200%) - pan (-1 to 1) - low-pass filter (20 hz to 9k hz) - resonance (0 to 2) - high-pass filter (8k hz to 20k hz) - sample start (0 to 100% of length) - sample end position (0 to 100% of length) - retrig number (0 to 15 times) - probability (0 to 100%) - lfo lfo (0 to 64 beats) - delay send (0 to 100%) - delay length (1 to 16 beats) toggle mod scale by pressing active mod (blinking) --- ### you should also know... when a step is not selected (i.e. no steps blinking), then you are editing the default parameters for the mods the current defaults are automatically put onto any new steps each sound has its own default you can copy parameters from any active step into the defaults (next slide) ---  ---  --- ### you should know... lfos are specific to each mod turn a lfo off by pressing lfo on the mod scale and pressing the first button in the lfo scale (row 5, column 1) this is the most menu diving you'll ever have to do ---  --- # save/load saving and loading is done via the parameters menu `PARAMETERS -> KOLOR`
_note:_ saving and loading might take up to 5 seconds ---  --- # thanks @MUNINN for patiently debugging with grid @tyleretters for the beautiful lattice library and inspiration @license for supercollider help and inspiration --- # you should know you are exactly where you need to be